Sens[e-Res]ponsive Architecture Workshop

17 05 2011

I received an email today announcing the Sense[e-Res]ponsive Architecture Workshop that will be held August 22-29th at the Department of Architecture at the Technical University of Crete in Chania, Greece.  To see the website click here:  The cost for the workshop is 550 euros which includes accommodations, food, and workshop materials.  The workshop seems extremely interesting and looks to create a dialogue between some of the top researchers in architectural computing and  fabrication.

This workshop will be taught by Harvard GSD Assoc. Prof. Kostas Terzidis, MIT School of Arch. Visiting Scientist Edith Ackermann, TU Delft Hyperbody Group PhD Candidate Christinan Friedrich, MIT Media Lab Research Assistan Peter Schmitt, MIT MediaLab Post doc. Associate Susanne Seitinger, and Univ. of East London School of Architecture and the Visual Arts Lecturer Emmanouil Zaroukas.

Workshop Theme:

Over the past 10 years, autonomy, adaptability, customization and communication have been the most common words used to describe the qualities of Information Technology devices that facilitate everyday activities. IT is now ubiquitous, being integrated into almost everything people get their hands on. It is not strange then that the spearhead of architectural research today engages with more elaborate and sophisticated issues regarding the implementation of these technologies in an effort to create more demanding environments. One such direction that shows great potential is the integration of information technologies systems into the living space. The know-how to perform such a feature is available and the potential for architecture is significant. Already innovators in the field from around the world have created a test bed for the integration of IT into the core of the production of space. These research efforts open up the way for architecture to extend its inquiry beyond the Vitruvian triptych and design spatial behaviors. Embedded interactivity in places that were long regarded inert opened up new possibilities for the human experience. Intelligent control systems are able to enhance the functionality of space, create provocative aesthetics and instigate radical changes in everyday lives as we know it. Moreover, contemporary social conditions seem to be addressed better through the acquired connectivity.